About Zenkoji

 Zenkoji is one of the most famous temples in Japan and has more than 1400 years of history.

The principal image of Zenkoji is Amida Triad Sharing One Halo, which is considered one of the oldest statues of buddha in Japan. This temple belongs to no sect and has been accepting everybody who wants to visit there. Zenkoji’s open heartedness gives it a reputation as a temple worth visiting in one’s lifetime.

salon de hagita × Zenkoji-Daikanjin collaboration event

 This is the 8th collaboration event since 2018. At the events in 2022 and 2023, more than 1200 people joined. Please enjoy 2024 summer performances as ~Vibratory Sound Healing Sound Remedy~

■Program Information

Program 1
Shijyusou(performed in the morning)

 4 players perform big crystal bowls from 4 directions (north, west, south, east) in the great hall of Zenkouji Daikanjin. Each player represents the energy of the element of the direction from which they are playing.

Please enjoy the sound of each crystal bowl as they resonate in the clear bright morning air! Just relax and bask in the vibration of the crystal bowls.

Program 2

 Rare collaboration by Syoumyo chanted by monks of Zenkoji and Oto-sommelier.

The sounds of small crystal bowls as they play and resonate with each other. The energy fills the space like gentle rain, and treats your body & spirit to the deepest level of relaxation.

Program 4
Shijyusou(performed in the evening)

4 players perform big crystal bowls from 4 directions (north, west, south, east) in the great hall of Zenkouji Daikanjin. Each player represents the energy of the element of the direction from which they are playing.

Evening air makes the sound so deep and graceful. Please sit back and get comfortable and enjoy the vibration of the crystal bowls.
